Tuesday, August 4, 2009

uh oh

Considering making this public to my family . . . I have some neat info I wanna link to, like the Moissanite thing I just posted, and since everyone's been really cool by and large, I might want to limit the complaining and keep it just a place for everyone--family included.

I'm so bad at living this double life business (it's bad enough having to decide whether to sign emails as Aleta or Stephanie, and that's just for my impersonal food site), but I'm worried about giving up my anonymity when it might prove convenient later on.

The goal of this is really to get perspective from other people, so this is where you come in! Have any of you kept a wedding blog, and how did you deal with this situation?


  1. No wedding blog here. Way back when I got married, we didn't have blogs... :) Heh. Just kidding. But it was far less common.

    That said, I think being yourself is brave. And honest. And all that.

    I've always been *just a little* sad that I didn't develop an alter ego for blogging... but, by and large, being not-so-anonymous has actually worked out alright. And sometimes, I think it's even better than living in the shadows.

  2. I used my lj as a wedding related venting tool and holy shit did I need that lj to vent about stuff - but that wasn't until a just few months out from the wedding and I also didn't have anyone in person to vent to (jon was sick of hearing it).

  3. Blogs weren't super common when I was getting married either. But here's something you should know. You may only have a few things to whine about now, but the closer it gets to the wedding, the crazier things get. You made need an oulet for that.

    Would it be silly to consider keeping yet another blog for family and friends? That way you can be all rainbows and sunshine with them, whilst plotting their demise with us...

    Just an idea...

    Good luck.

  4. I didn't keep a wedding blog (though I did write about my wedding on my blog). If I had it would have been at least partially for the purpose of communicating with the wedding party and guests. "Here's what's going on, this is what I did for the wedding this week, and here are a few evolving thoughts on the nature of wedding presents." So the anonymity would have been out of place.

    On the other hand, I have noticed that openly highlighting a person's poor behaviour on the Internet, even anonymously, tends to end badly for everyone involved. Stuff that easily traced tends not to stay anonymous. So if you keep your name off the blog, you still might want to save any real frustration for e-mail or a letter.
