Tuesday, August 4, 2009

major blingage

So I FINALLY have an engagement ring. Calloo! Callay! While I've been pretty online-chatty about the engagement, in person the only people who know are my Facebook friends and family because the moment you mention your engagement to a passive third-party, suddenly they're all straining their necks to take a glance at your left hand. And then I'm all "Well, I don't have a ring *yet*" which sounds like "Yeah, so my boyfriend mentioned possibly getting married and is just a browbeat away from caving in," when in reality I did get a real proposal, just not one accompanied with bling. So here it is! Set in platinum, and those two green thingies are peridot. There's also scrollwork (hard to see even in person) shaped like a stretched figure eight with a little spiral worked in. I like it!

The detail.

Dano designed my ring and it's just lovely. Originally I wanted to avoid diamonds altogether because I think they're a rip-off. Then tradition got the best of me, and we briefly considered a synthesized diamond because they're about 1/3 the price of a natural one and we could afford a much nicer quality than otherwise, but even that was so expensive. Couple this with the fact that I'm not really a bling girl anyway, and I'd rather have a house than a $20k engagement ring. It'd be less weird paired with my gaudy costume jewelry. At the same time, I don't know that I could really bring myself to get a cubic zirconia because it loses its lustre after not too long and feels . . . apologetic.

So Dan found Sachs Jewelers in Shrewsbury who recommended Moissanite. Moissanite is a mineral similar to diamond, originally found in meteorites, but due to their extreme rarity in nature (usually as inclusions in diamonds and other stones) are now synthesized. The cool thing is that they are really not all that different from a diamond. On the hardness scale a diamond is at 10 and Moissanite is 8.5-9.25--similar enough to be sought after for industrial uses. So hardness is all well and good, but doesn't really affect the way my jewelry looks, right?

Finally, my ring!

WELL, Moissanite also weighs in on the visual front. Its refractive index (a measure of "flashes" or how many times it sparkles) is about 10% higher (diamond = 2.417, moissanite ~ 2.670) so for every ten sparkles a diamond gets, my stone gets one more. What's SUPER cool, though is that the dispersion (a measure of how wide the color spectrum is bent by the stone) is more than twice that of a diamond (diamond = .044, moissanite = .104), so my stone throws off more than twice the color. So for all intents and purposes, it's a prettier stone! And unlike cubic zirconia, it'll last forever, just like a regular diamond.

Because it's synthesized, the clarity is excellent and there are no visible inclusions in the stone. The only limitation is that the stone itself is slightly off-white, though not visible in most light and probably not any more than ideal-cut diamonds might be anyway. I found information on this subject here.

Oh, did I mention that they're about a tenth of the price? Finally, it seems, that thrift gene has shone its head.


  1. What a beautiful ring! I love the little peridots on the side. I discovered moissanite a few years ago when I was looking at promise rings and I love it! When I get enagaged, it will be my stone of choice unless I go for something vintage. I don't understand why more people don't look at diamond alternatives. I like sparkly as much as the next girl, but 20k (or more!) for a ring is just insane!

  2. Gorgeous ring! I love the peridot accents -- really lovely.

  3. OK, that's totally kewl.
    Peef & I decided that if we ever got married again, we'd totally:

    #1: design our own rings
    #2: go with something less trad than gold
    #3: go with something other than diamonds

    Looks like you got all three here. Which is short for: I approve! :)

    And I'm ALL FOR not going broke over an engagement ring. My two rules when we got engaged were: He had to pick out the ring himself, and it had to be small enough that I could still put my hand in my pocket. No big gaudy bling for me. Nope.

  4. Beautiful!! That is an amazing ring, I love all the details of it. And why did I not know about this before the man got me my ring??? He wanted to get me a diamond, I wanted something funky... so we compromised and it's a funky ring with a small diamond :) but man if I had known about this stuff I would have been all about it!

  5. it really is just beautiful =)
