Friday, July 10, 2009

welcome to my anonymous wedding.

I'm the blogging type, and I'm getting married, and since my other blogs have no overlap with planning a wedding whatsoever, I figured I'd delegate all wedding writing to one nice, anonymous place. At first, I thought I'd put my wedding blog on my wedding website. Because then hey! Not only can my family get directions to the venue, but they can also follow along my planning process. And then we can try to use it to coordinate friends into volunteering their time for a gift. Brilliant!

Except that two weeks into the planning of this thing, my family is already providing sufficient bitching material. Alas, I am a chronic bitcher. I wish I weren't, but I am, so there you go. So this way I can actually write a candid account of my wedding planning without hurt feelings. Hooray! Here's to the countdown.

1 comment:

  1. Weddings are infamous for dredging up the crazy.

    Good luck with that.
