Saturday, September 5, 2009

enter drama

Little Sister has some problems with my wedding plans. Of course, Little Sister is in my wedding party (along with Middle Sister) and in school and is high maintenance and a drama queen. There, I said it. And she will henceforth be known as Maidzilla.

I was under the impression that bridesmaids were supposed to make my life easier. And you know, 2 of 3 are absolutely exactly what I need. But then . . . then there's Maidzilla.

Maidzilla thinks that $800 is a lot of money for three nights at a four-star resort, and she's pretty broke (for the record, that $800 includes airfare, transportation, food, meals, entertainment...). So the obvious solution here is to turn the vacation into a six night stay and find a way to get there without using my travel agent. The one who will make sure her room isn't double-booked and is counting our guests' rooms so that we can get the wedding included.

Maidzilla ALSO thinks that the one set of bridesmaid's dresses I sent along are WAY too expensive (they are about $150) and that furthermore, she can't wear a strapless dress and oh yeah, can we do them in coral? Because she really looks good in coral. Despite the fact that I sent along the email looking for feedback (and mentioned this about 5 times in said email), she is in TEARS over the outcome of my suggestion, while having no alternative suggestions of her own and appearing to be unwilling to even try dresses on.

Since she has complained and whined about the few decisions I haven't even made yet, I was surprised to hear from Middle Sister that Maidzilla also feels so helplessly left out of the process.

And the best part is that this is the abbreviated story. There are entire other chapters about Mom & Dad not paying for enough (and how she shouldn't have to save money for this) and let's not even get into the boyfriend, whose role in her vacation plans are much more important than her sister's wedding. And how crushed she was not to be the maid of honor.

For fuck's sake lady, I know you're only 21, but would you please grow the fuck up? And this is why I'm so glad I left this little journal anonymous.


  1. holy #)($* man! Maybe you should have the fun talk with her about... stepping down as maidzilla cause seriously, she shouldn't be making this harder for you. $150 is not unreasonable, and 800 for the whole trip sounds like a steal! It probably is because she's 21 and feels that you or mom/dad should be paying for it and at 21... you are the center of the world right? Ugggg see this is a good reason to just have a maid of honor, and no bridesmaids :) Bring on the easy no drama!

  2. That's what I would tell my sister, anyway!
