Monday, September 21, 2009

the complaints start rolling in...

So we got the Maidzilla situation under control, she apologized for being difficult, and we trudge onward.

Meantime, FMIL is giving us some grief. So I had Groom give her a call to tell her about the destination bit like two months ago, and she exclaimed "Oh! But your grandmother won't be able to make it!" which is completely valid because he is the only grandchild of Grandma and we love her dearly and want her there, and she has trouble with long car rides due to a nerve problem in her legs. So I told him to call her immediately before FMIL had a chance to convince her that this was a terrible development.

And the result?

Grandma was thrilled! She thought it sounded like a beautiful time, and riding on a plane is no trouble at all because she can get up every hour or so, walk a few feet, and get back in her seat, which she really can't do on the bus. *phew!* So we make our plans and all that.

Now every time Groom speaks with his mother, she passive-aggressively comments how she doesn't think many of his family members will be able to make it. Now these are family members I've never met in over two years of being at every family function that pops up, so it's not like we're talking dear old Aunties and Uncles that Groom spent his summers with back in the day, nor is it like my entire family is going to be there and not his. It's going to be small on both sides. The only family members I'm insistent on being there are immediate family and grandmothers, so as far as I'm concerned we are good to go.

He brushes her off pretty well, but what really gets me is that I really think she's just against the idea, but instead of coming out forthright and saying so, she's projecting her opinion on other family members who may or may not even care themselves. And as such, we have made our arrangements.

My grandmother had similar concerns, and thankfully my mother told her "This is not a family reunion, it is a wedding, so if you want a family reunion, then you need to plan one." I just wish there was someone to tell FMIL the same. But she had a couple months to be forthright, she declined to do so, and now arrangements have been made, and it's out of my hands.



  1. Your mom sounds AWESOME. It's not often that the Mother of the Bride is a voice of Reason. I wish I had that... We've been married almost six years, and my mother still complains that she was not involved enough.

    Sorry about all the drama and complaints. Unfortunately weddings seem to spawn the crazy in people.

  2. You mom ROCKS!! haha I love the family reunion comment! I need to remember that when someone starts complaining about something hehe :D

    How weird is it that when you plan a wedding everyone thinks it's 100% ok to say whatever the hell they want and insist you plan it like they want??? what's up with that!!
